Tips for running a 1/2 Marathon

by Adrián Rojas on April 13, 2023

Hello goodroller!

Running a half marathon (21km) requires an adequate level of physical and mental preparation to face the distance and wear it entails. Here are some tips to help you run a half marathon:

  1. Plan your training : Dedicate at least 12 weeks to prepare yourself physically and mentally. Look for an adequate and progressive training plan that allows you to gradually increase the distance and pace.

  2. Do not skip rest days : Rest is essential to allow your body to recover and adapt to training. Don't skip rest days, and spend time stretching and massaging your muscles.

  3. Work strength : Strength is key to running a half marathon, as it will allow you to maintain good posture and reduce the risk of injury. Incorporate strength exercises into your training, such as squats, lunges, and leg raises.

  4. Maintain a correct diet and adequate hydration : During the race, it is important to stay hydrated and adequately fed. Make sure you drink plenty of water before, during and after the race, and consider taking some form of sports nutrition (energy gels, energy bars) with you to top up your energy stores.

  5. Practice running in a group : Running with other people can be a great motivator and help you stay focused and committed to your training. Find running groups in your community or join a local running club to find training partners.

  6. Get Race Minded : Prepare your mind for the race by visualizing the course, imagining how each mile will feel, and setting clear goals for the race. Keep a positive attitude and be confident in your training and your ability to complete the race.

With these tips you will be able to adequately prepare to run a half marathon and enjoy the experience of overcoming your limits and reaching a great goal 💪

And here, we leave you a 12-week plan for you to achieve your goal:

Week 1-4:

  • Monday: Rest or low intensity exercise (30 minutes of walking, cycling or swimming)
  • Tuesday: 3-5km run at a comfortable pace
  • Wednesday: Strength exercise (squats, lunges, leg raises)
  • Thursday: 4-6km run at a comfortable pace
  • Friday: Rest or low intensity exercise (30 minutes of walking, cycling or swimming)
  • Saturday: 6-8km run at a comfortable pace
  • Sunday: Rest or low intensity exercise (30 minutes of walking, cycling or swimming)

Week 5-8:

  • Monday: Rest or low intensity exercise (30 minutes of walking, cycling or swimming)
  • Tuesday: 5-7km run at a moderate pace
  • Wednesday: Strength exercise (squats, lunges, leg raises)
  • Thursday: 6-8km run at a moderate pace
  • Friday: Rest or low intensity exercise (30 minutes of walking, cycling or swimming)
  • Saturday: 8-10km run at a comfortable pace
  • Sunday: Rest or low intensity exercise (30 minutes of walking, cycling or swimming)

Week 9-12:

  • Monday: Rest or low intensity exercise (30 minutes of walking, cycling or swimming)
  • Tuesday: 6-8km run at a moderate pace
  • Wednesday: Strength exercise (squats, lunges, leg raises)
  • Thursday: 8-10km run at a moderate pace
  • Friday: Rest or low intensity exercise (30 minutes of walking, cycling or swimming)
  • Saturday: 12-14km run at a comfortable pace
  • Sunday: Rest or low intensity exercise (30 minutes of walking, cycling or swimming)

It is important to remember that each person is different and that the training plan must be adapted to their needs and abilities. In addition, it is also important to spend time stretching and massaging the muscles after each workout and to maintain a healthy diet and adequate hydration to allow for optimal recovery.

By following an adequate training plan, with the necessary time and dedication, you will be able to adequately prepare to run a half marathon and enjoy the experience of pushing your limits and reaching a great goal.

I need to equip myself